Enalos KNIME nodes

Blending cheminformatics, bioinformatics and nanoinformatics tools under KNIME


Enalos+ manuals and videos are designed to guide the user (even with minimal knowledge of KNIME) in going step-by-step through the process of building a KNIME workflow, using Enalos+ nodes of Novamechanics Ltd. Enalos+ nodes can be used independently as well as they can interact with the existing KNIME nodes.


Manuals for the use of Enalos+ nodes:


Through Enalos+ nodes, the users can:
  • Find the Assays where a particular compound is tested and download information in KNIME about the Assay and the Assay outcome
  • Get direct access to CIR (Chemical Identifier Resolver) through KNIME and select several output formats through a GUI menu
  • Obtain information about the patent coverage for thousands of compounds
  • Search the whole PubChem database for similar compounds and obtain information for thousands of compounds
  • Get direct access to UniChem databases through KNIME
  • Obtain information about the commercial availability for thousands of compounds
The following videos demonstrate the above functionalities. For more videos visit our YouTube channel.

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: PubChem-Similar Compounds

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: PubChem Assay-Display Active and Inactive Compounds

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: PubChem Vendor-Commercial Availability For Small Molecules

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: PubChem-Compounds' Patent Coverage Information

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: Search UniChem databases through KNIME

Databases mining using Enalos+ KNIME nodes: Chemical Identifier Resolver-CIR

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